
With a new baby on the way, I needed to find a full-time job to be able to support my family. No one would hire me because of my lack of work experience. My previous jobs were all temporary.
I came to Goodwill and through the First-To-Work program enrolled in Job Readiness Trainings where I learned how to create a strong resume, search for jobs, and interview well. I was also able to gain work experience and new job skillsets volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. After completing my volunteer work, I applied for a full-time position at Habitat for Humanity and got it. I’m now proud to be able to provide for my family financially and am no longer a TANF recipient.
Marcus is a participant in our First-to-Work (FTW) program on Maui. FTW helps low income families transition off of public assistance through employment training, placement and ongoing support.