*Sony Entertainment donates clothing from Hawaii-based ABC shows; helps to change lives – KITV4

HONOLULU —Here’s a chance for you to own a piece of Hollywood. They’re the shoes, shirts, pants and dresses worn in the television shows “LOST,” “The River,” “Off the Map” and “Last Resort.”

Sony Entertainment did some house cleaning before moving out of the Diamond Head Studios last week and chose to donate it all to Goodwill.

“It was a win-win situation because we could disperse all of it to [Goodwill] and [Goodwill] can use it as you see fit and maybe it’ll help a lot of people,” said Dallas Donovan, costumer with Sony Entertainment.

Thousands of items have been donated and Goodwill isn’t sure yet the value of what they’ve received. Initial estimates are somewhere around $15,000.

LOST fans will recognize some of the characters and maybe their clothes. And as soon as Goodwill’s done itemizing it all, it’ll be up for sale.

“You never know. Maybe you’ll be watching reruns of ‘Lost’ and then you’ll say, ‘wait a minute, I’m wearing that exact outfit,'” said Amanda Stevens, public relations and communications manager for Goodwill Industries Hawaii.

The good news is, what is sold will go towards helping Goodwill’s mission.

“All of these items are going towards giving people job training and job placement programs,” said Stevens.

The perfect plot: Hollywood helping Hawaii. Goodwill will announce when the wardrobe from the studios will go on sale.

Read more: http://www.kitv.com/news/hawaii/Sony-Entertainment-donates-clothing-from-Hawaii-based-ABC-shows-helps-to-change-lives/-/8905354/17990322/-/hdil6m/-/index.html#ixzz2HJv8NO5L