This week Helping Hand welcomes Goodwill Hawaii, an autonomous, dues-paying member of Goodwill Industries International. HPR All Things Considered Host Dave Lawrence speaks with Kelley Cho, Director of Public Relations and Communications, and Chief Operating Officer Katy Chen, of Goodwill Hawaii.
Goodwill Hawaii provides job placement, career development, education, training, employment and support services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as those facing homelessness, poverty and other challenges. Some of these services we discuss include day programs for people with intellectual disabilities and potential assistance in paying for personal health aides.
Helping Hand airs statewide on HPR1 stations Fridays as part of our afternoon drive broadcast of All Things Considered, and then archived online here. Every week, Helping Hand puts the spotlight on an organization, topic or event that offers assistance to the disabled and others among the most vulnerable.
Contact Goodwill Hawaii:
Website: goodwillhawaii.org
Email: info@higoodwill.org
Phone: (808) 836-0313
They’re on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Facebook.
Find all the previous Helping Hand segments here.
Adult Day Health (ADH), Community Learning Service Group and Individual (CLS-GR, CLS-IND), and Personal Assistance and Habilitation (PAB) services are all free for Participants who qualify for Medicaid. They are then assessed and approved for a certain level of service. If they would like services in excess of what is approved by Medicaid, they can go private. Families can also go private if they don’t qualify for Medicaid. Rates vary based on level of service needed and by island but generally are:
ADH – Private rates range from $2.70 – $4.00 per 15 minutes (Oahu rates only)
PAB – Private from $6.54 – $8.58 per 15 minutes (Oahu rates only)
Community Learning Service Group – Private rates from $3.97 – $6.52
Community Learning Service Individual –
Flat Oahu rate is $7.91 per 15 minutes.
Long-Term Adults and Resources (LASR) are services specifically for individuals who do not qualify for Medicaid or if they are a COFA citizen (Compacts of Free Association). The cost is determined by the needs of the participant. But will not exceed the amount of $7584 annually. This can be supported 100% or supplemented by State funding or one can go totally private.