In today’s tight labor market, SEE offers a new pool of candidates for job vacancies in your company. Our highly trained and professional staff work with you to match available candidates to the skills, qualifications, and aptitudes you have identified in your position.


Absolutely not. Our Employer Relations Specialist will work to provide you with a selection of applicants for interview. You are not limited in the number of SEE Employees you hire, but must abide by the SEE Agreement for each Employee.


We take employment as seriously as you do, and work to ensure the SEE Employee you hire is the best job match for your position. We have found that the employment match is strengthened when the expectations of all parties are known and acknowledged prior to the start of the relationship.


As a SEE Employer you are expected to communicate with SEE through the hiring and placement of the SEE Employee within your company. As with any other Employee of your company, Employees hired through SEE are expected to receive training and supervision in order to be successful at their jobs and meet the expectations of your company for continued employment. In addition, there is minimal paperwork that is required in order for your company to receive reimbursement for your SEE Employee and for SEE to be able to provide customer service and support to your company.


Unlike historic programs of similar nature, SEE is being operated by a private agency. We consider you our customer, and job matching is the core of our mission. Considerable efforts have been made to streamline the reimbursement process, both in procedures and in timeline.

 Another streamlining for the SEE initiative is the paperwork involved for both the reimbursement and Employee performance measurement. There is a one-paged form that logs the Employee’s time. This form also serves as the SEE invoice for reimbursement. There is a single-paged performance evaluation that is due after 90 days of employment, the standard performance period in businesses.


We will have staff members dedicated to working with you and the Employee to ensure your employment and business needs are met. If there is a problem, we will work with your SEE Employee to resolve the situation. If there is not a resolution possible, we will help you replace the Employee with someone better matched to your needs. In terminating a SEE Employee, you will need to follow your own internal requirements for termination of an employee.


Experience and research have clearly demonstrated that mentoring a new employee increases the rate at which a new employee learns job responsibilities and solidifies the new employee’s successful entry into a workplace environment and a business’ culture. It is therefore suggested a company utilize the subsidized employment period to train and mentor the new employee to be a productive and valuable addition to the company.


The SEE training period provides an opportunity for you to experience the benefits of the job match through the work demonstrated by the SEE Employee. You decide how to complete the SEE Employee’s training period, either by moving them into your company as an unsubsidized employee, or by releasing them in accordance with your internal company policies.