find a donation center
Goodwill staff will be available to assist donors and provide receipts for tax purposes. Please help us keep our communities clean by dropping off donations during our hours of operation. Items left unattended may be stolen.
Store Hours::
10:00 am–6:00 pm Daily
10:00 am–6:00 pm Daily
Donation Hours:
9:00 am–6:00 pm Daily
9:00 am–6:00 pm Daily
Windward City Shopping Center Attended Donation Center
45-480 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kaneohe, HI 96744
(located in the former Cheap Tickets kiosk, near Starbucks)
45-480 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kaneohe, HI 96744
(located in the former Cheap Tickets kiosk, near Starbucks)
Donation Hours:
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Daily
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Daily
45-211 Waikalua Rd. Kaneohe, HI 96744
45-211 Waikalua Rd. Kaneohe, HI 96744
Donation Hours:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday
CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
10:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday
CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
what to donate
what not to donate
what to donate
Goodwill Hawaii is looking for any of the following items that are in clean, saleable condition. “Clean and saleable” means you would give it to a good friend.
- Tops & Bottoms – all kinds
- Aloha Shirts
- Dresses, Bridal Gowns
- Baby Clothes
- Purses, Wallets
- Handbags, Book Bags
- Scarves, Hats
- Belts, Backpacks
- Cooking Utensils, Flatware
- Pots & Pans, Crockery
- Plates, Bowls, Tupperware
- Cups, Mugs, Stemware
- Dress & Casual Shoes
- Baby, Toddler Footwear
- Athletic & Hiking Shoes
- Construction Boots, Galoshes
- Hardbacks, Board Books
- Paperbacks -saleable condition
- Textbooks
- DVDs & CDs – all kinds
- Blankets, Comforters
- Bedsheets, Pillow cases
- Bed & Throw Pillows
- Quilts, Linen Napkins
- Legos, Blocks, Trains
- Stuffed Animals
- Barbie, Dolls, Action Figures
- Board Games, Puzzles
- Balls, Sporting Equipment
- Artwork, artifacts
- Vintage Items
- Ceramics, Brassware
- Holiday Decorations
- Rings, Earrings, Bracelets
- Necklaces, Brooches
- Semi & Precious Metals & Stones
- Watches – all kinds
- VCR & DVD Players
- Stereos & Speakers
- Telephones & Cell Phones
- Gaming Consoles &
- Electronic Game Cartridges.
- Cash
- Checks
what not to donate
Sometimes we have to say, “No, thank you.” Some items cost more to transport, repair or refurbish than they can be sold for in our stores, taking money from our mission. Others are not recyclable or contain hazardous waste, and present potential safety issues. Our donation attendants may decline a donation if, in their judgment, it is not in clean, saleable condition. We appreciate your kokua.
It’s best to call (808) 836-WORK (9675) to double-check the acceptability of questionable items.
- Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers
- Car Parts, Tires, Wheels
- Wall-to-Wall Carpeting & Padding House Fixtures
- Toilets &Toilet Seats
- Non-Framed Mirrors
- Halogen Lamps
- Fluorescent Light Bulbs
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Encyclopedias
- Rusty Metal Desks & Cabinets
- Tool Sheds
- Outdoor Swing Sets
- Beds, Mattresses, Box Springs
- Baby Car Seats
- Cribs
- Strollers
- Walkers
- High Chairs
- Swings
- Chemicals
- Paints
- Poisons
- Oils
- Cleaning Products
- Compressed Air/Gas Containers (including SCUBA tanks)
- Contact your local Transfer Station for disposal information.
- Major Appliances – Stoves, Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Water Heaters, TVs, Fax Machines, Copy Machines,Vacuum Cleaners (acceptable if dust bag has been removed)
- Exercise Machines
- Computers: desktop and laptop
- Monitors
- Printers and scanners
- Keyboards, mice, speakers, cords and cables
Yes. Goodwill accepts bequests, gifts of real estate or personal property or being named as a life insurance beneficiary.
You may mail a check or money order payable to Goodwill Industries of Hawaii to:
Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc.
2610 Kilihau Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
2610 Kilihau Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
Goodwill makes every effort to sell donated merchandise we receive at affordable prices in our retail stores. Merchandise that doesn’t sell in our stores is sent to the Goodwill Surplus Store, which offers “last stop” merchandise at low prices. Items that we cannot sell are processed through our recycling/salvage system. In the year of 2011-2012 Goodwill helped to keep 12.5 million pounds of items out of Hawaii’s landfills.
Goodwill is the original recycler…saving the earth one donation at a time.
Goodwill does not have a home pickup service. Check our list of conveniently located donation centers to find a location near you.
Yes. Whenever you donate to Goodwill you will receive a receipt acknowledging the date that Goodwill received your donation.
Please check out the General IRS Guidelines for more information.
Goodwill partners with Kokua in Kind to receive car or boat donations. You can reach Kokua in Kind by calling (808) 834-6603. Please let them know you would like to designate the proceeds of your donation to Goodwill Industries of Hawaii.
Some items cost more to transport, repair or refurbish than they can be sold for in our stores. Other items are not recyclable, contain hazardous materials or present potential liability issues. For these reasons, Goodwill cannot use the following types of items: any item recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, hazardous materials, auto parts (including tires), baby furniture and other baby-related items, beds and mattress, major appliances, firearms and weapons. Click here for a complete list of acceptable items.
Donations to Goodwill are re-sold in our retail stores. Revenues from our stores fund our programs that help people with disadvantages find jobs and reach their full potential.